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Evelyn Collins

How Do You Obtain Bold Faith?

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever; the purposes of his heart through all generations. —Psalm 33:11 NIV

My sisters and I strolled along the sidewalk in downtown Greenville, laughing. A group of older teens jumped on the sidewalk and approached, so we stepped to one side. However, they forced us off into the grass. I grabbed my sister’s hand and pulled her away as she turned to confront the bullies.


My sister is younger, but she wasn’t afraid to challenge others. Her bravery is a commendable trait. Although I sometimes remain silent because of fear, I’m learning to let go of fear and trust God. The Holy Spirit brought verses about boldness to my attention. They created a desire to be daring and brave to rise in me.


Several Bible stories helped me understand how bold faith may look in various situations. An example is in Exodus. God instructed the Israelites to remain still. He would battle the Egyptians. Bold faith is confidence in Christ, not your abilities. Only then are we able to surrender and allow Him complete control.


Pharaoh’s chariot, hundreds of chariots, horsemen, and his army pursued the Israelites. They overtook them while they camped by the sea. When they saw the massive army, they called out to God. 


Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only be still” (Exodus 14:13-14, NIV).

God required the Israelites to be still and stand firm while He parted the water for Moses and His people to cross dry. Then, the wall of water swooped and swept the Egyptians away.


In the following story, the chief priests and the Sanhedrin plotted to crucify Christ. They bound and delivered Him to Pilate. There, they accused Him of blasphemy. Pilate questioned Jesus, but He remained quiet regarding the accusations hurled against Him.


But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed (Mark 15:5, NIV).


It is a human instinct to stand your ground, speak up, and defend yourself. But Jesus’ response was unique. The angry mob yelled obscene words and accused Him of blasphemy. When Pilate interrogated Him, Jesus did and said nothing in defense.


The Bible says, "Be still and know I am God.” Jesus lived those words as a man. He stood still in silence and accepted God’s plan for his life. He was courageous, not meek. It took determination and boldness to be silent before a hostile mob. The Holy Spirit enabled Christ to endure the cross.


The last story I wish to share is about the disciples, John and Peter, healing a lame man at the temple gate. Outraged religious leaders threw them in prison for proclaiming that, through faith in Jesus Christ, there is salvation and healing. Then, they cautioned them not to speak about Jesus again. But they told the people about the religious leaders’ warning after their release. The people prayed to God.


“…Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”  After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken, And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit an spoke the word of God boldly (Acts 4:29-31, NIV).


The disciples became bold in the face of trials because of prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. They accepted the challenge of sharing the gospel with the world.


Things I learned from scriptures that show how the disciples walked in bold faith are: 


·      Faith in obeying what He asks is supernatural and comes through a relationship with the Lord and dependence upon Him. It isn’t our abilities or strength but the power of Almighty God that makes everything possible.

·      When we repent of sin and accept Him as our Savior, we enter a relationship with Christ. In faith, we believe His Word is accurate.

·      As with all relationships, you discover the other’s ways through communication. We communicate with God through studying the Bible and prayer. His Holy Spirit often answers by opening our eyes to what scripture means. Through faith in Christ, study, prayer, and the Holy Spirit, we have the power within us to do all that God asks.

·      Bold faith doesn’t mean we never have doubts or fear. Only God knows the future, so we remain in communion with Christ and place our cares in His hands.

·      The power of His Holy Spirit guides, strengthens, and keeps us. The Spirit directs us whether we speak, remain silent, move, or stand in faith. Our words are powerless without the Spirit of God because only the Holy Spirit convicts. Most of us have acquaintances or friends who are unaware they need a Savior. Like the disciples, we each have a unique story about how knowing Jesus changed us personally. Whenever we share it, we evangelize others. We hope they encounter a trustworthy God.



Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you. We are your children because of what Jesus suffered in obedience. All our hope is in Him. During trials, we remain confident that the Holy Spirit is with us. He is the same power that raised Christ. We have nothing to fear. Please keep us safe in the face of fear. Amen.

Your turn: What helps you grow bolder in sharing your faith?









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