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Arianna Dunn

He Makes All Things New

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV).

It is safe to say we all have experienced our share of “if only” moments.

If only I looked like her.

If only I had more money.

If only I lived there.

If only.

Anif only” way of thinking always perpetuates the need to fixate on what we do not have versus what we do have. It makes us crave what is new versus appreciating what is already there.

It is comforting to know that we serve a God who specializes in taking what is already there, only to put his special touch on it.

He does not need a new or perfect thing. He makes all things new. He uses what we currently have and who we now are. We need the faith to believe that God can do just that.

Moses, his staff, and his fear of speaking.

David and his slingshot and the rocks around him.

Two tiny fish and five barley loaves.

God is a God that uses what is already there, and through his touch, he makes things happen.

This should give us inner peace to know that God is not looking for perfection. It also shows us that God sees us and what we have from a different perspective.

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV).

It explains why God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, even though Moses had a tremendous fear of speaking.

It explains why David did not need Saul’s armor and, through God, could defeat Goliath with a slingshot he already had.

It explains why God could feed a multitude with what seemingly appeared to be so little.

What the human eye sees as minor or insignificant is the opposite of how God sees it. God has the power to touch anything, multiply it, and make it new, using what is already there.

We need the faith to believe that.


Prayer: Thank you, God, for your perspective. Please help me to appreciate who I am and what I have. Please give me the faith to believe in your ability to make all things new. I've been designed as I am, for a purpose, and what I have is sufficient.

Your Turn: What has been your “if only” moment? How do you practice being content?

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