“…and said to the entire Israelite assembly, “The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them.” —Numbers 14:7-9 NIV
Sometimes, I get stuck in fear, which paralyzes me. My fear almost kept me from fulfilling a dream. My friend Betsy and her family lived in Hawaii, and she invited me on several occasions.
I always said, “Not right now,” or “I don’t have time.” They’ll be there for a while longer, but I kept putting her off.
Then, last August, Betsy announced, “We’ll be moving back by the end of the year!” She asked again, “Vonyee, will you come?” I gave her several negative responses that sounded like this, “I doubt I can afford to take off from work. I feel like I have too much going on. How would I make it work? I doubt I have enough money to pay for the flight.”

The questions swirled through my mind and overwhelmed me. I pushed back my desire to travel to a heavenly destination into the box of lost dreams.
But being the good friend that Betsy is, she didn’t give up so easily. She circled back. “You should come,” she said several days later.
Three simple words. Those words inspired me to hope. I went from fear to belief. From there, I embarked on a journey to Hawaii and of transformation.
I rushed around, getting permission to get time off from work and packing while remembering my childhood shows, “Hawaii Five-O” and Magnum, P.I.” Both were set and filmed in Honolulu. The opening scene of the Hawaii Five-O flashes of the King Kamehameha statue, the Iolani Palace, and the Hawaiian Hall of Justice. Images of Thomas Magnum racing Robin Masters’ red Ferrari around Oahu, sunsets from Robin’s beachfront estate, TC (Magnum’s military buddy) flying over the green Hawaiian Islands. Filled with excitement and belief, I realized I’d now be able to see these iconic milestones from childhood.
Later, as I reflected on my upcoming trip and how stubborn I’d been, I wondered if I was being like the Israelites in Numbers 13:27-33. Moses had sent spies from one of each of the twelve tribes of Israel to spy out the land God had promised them. Except for Caleb and Joshua, the other ten spies told all of Israel that the land was bountiful, but the people who dwelt there were much bigger than the Israelites, and they couldn’t conquer them. These ten spies instilled fear in the people's hearts, making them want to return to Egypt. Then, the people “grumbled against Moses and Aaron” despite Caleb’s and Joshua’s confidence that they could take the land (Number 14:1-2).

For me, Betsy was like Caleb and Joshua. She declared the land good, and we could take it. She reminded me that God is good and with us (Numbers 14:7-9). My friend pushed me to see God in this opportunity. She suggested different options for flights. Yet, I was the one who constantly threw in roadblocks—my job, getting time off, not enough money.
The process taught me a few things:
1. When believing in a miracle, you need teamwork.
2. Your team sees your potential.
3. Don’t look at your circumstances. Look at God.
4. Fight for your miracle.
5. Some miracles require work.

The experience of traveling to Hawaii may not hold the same significance for everyone.
But for me, as someone who sometimes views herself as an underprivileged young girl from Texas, it felt miraculous— the journey from fear to belief has been truly transformative.
Your Turn: Is there a dream you have been afraid to pursue in your heart? Are you looking at God or your circumstances? Will you choose to believe in God like Caleb and Joshua? Or will you be like the other ten spies?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, as I face adversity in getting to the land You promised, give me the desire to press to fight for my miracle. Please give me a friend who cheers me on. Please give me a team who sees more in me than I see in myself. Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me through my doubt. Amen.