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Don't Do It For The Recognition

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 NIV).

I remember when I started my second job after graduating from college.

Initially, I was fixated on recognition and accolades from my leadership team. Recognition at the time was where I placed my value. However, doing my job for recognition gave me an empty feeling.

One day, I wrote the following statement on a sticky note by my desk: Don’t do it for the recognition.

It was in that moment where I realized that this life is not about achieving for personal gain, but it is more so about using every part of our being, and even our deeds and achievements, to ultimately glorify God.

Don’t do it for the recognition.

Those six words constantly replay in my mind.

They have forced me to reevaluate things, search my heart, and pray to God that he would give me intentions that are pure.

Daily, I ask myself the following question: "Who are you doing this for?"

This question has totally altered the “why” behind my actions as it relates to my purpose, relationships, conversations, my career, and even my blog content.

It all must point back to him. That is true selflessness.

The gospel artist, Kierra Sheard, has an amazing song called, “Invisible.”

The entire song is filled with gems of wisdom but the lyrics below resonate strongly with me:

God is headlining this show; to introduce him is what I’m here for.

Don’t let me block the view. That’s not what I want to do.

I’ve gotta be see-through,

Make sure they see you.

Make me invisible.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for who you have made me to be. Search my heart. Search my intentions. Give me the desire to love you more than approval so that you can get the glory out of my life. Amen.

It is a goal of mine to glorify God with my life. When others take notice, I know I’m on the right path.

Your turn: Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, “They must know God?”


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