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Do You Want An Abundant Harvest?

Kathy Keenum

Kathy Keenum
Kathy Keenum


I will repay you for the years that the swarming locust ate, the young locust, the destroying locust, and the devouring locust—My great army that I sent against you. You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied. You will praise the name of Yahweh your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. My people will never again be put to shame.”—— Joel 2:25-26 HCSB



Each day, the sun rises, dispelling the darkness of night. During these seasons, we often confront loss, anxiety, and worry. The devastation is vast. These burdens wear down our humanity until we are hardly the people we once were. Our lives can become wastelands of regret and hardship. Yet, the Lord transforms that wasteland into a beautiful, complete, thriving garden with a bountiful harvest.


The passage in Joel 2:25-26 called for the people of Israel to turn away from spiritual complacency and turn to the Lord in worship. The Lord’s army (locusts) caused great anguish. Then, in compassion, His promises brought about a great harvest, healing the land and hearts of those who'd lost so much.


Family Gathering an Abundant Harvest
Family Gathering an Abundant Harvest

Joel explains that God is in the business of redeeming and restoring. Israel suffered greatly as cicadae destroyed their crops, fields, and land. Drought filled the land, and the people suffered. In Joel 2:26, God promises restoration and abundant blessings. The harvest will be full, and blessings will abound. God is always faithful to his word. As the people recovered from their hardship, they were blessed with abundant food, prosperity, and joy.

Restoring Our Relationship with the Lord Through All Seasons

When dark, barren wasteland experiences overwhelm us, the Lord is there, just as He was for His people in the Bible.

Additionally, there are things we should do to benefit from the rich promises in God’s scripture from which we may continually draw. We can:


1.     Restore—our relationship with the Lord. Draw close during times of desolation and times of plenty. Praise Him during all the seasons, up and down, good and bad, light and dark.  As He restored the land after the locust, He will restore us after times of trouble.


2.     Renew—our daily walk with Him. Renew our walk of faith. A transformation from what was to what is. When we let God work in and on us, His transformations always result in something greater than we originally had in mind.


3.     Hope—in God’s promise of abundance. Israel suffered during the locust invasion. The pests ate everything, destroying crops and plants. However, God blessed his people after this, bringing promise, hope, and abundance after trial and hardship. This same promise of abundant hope is available to us.



Praying Farmer at Sunrise Walking through His Fields
Praying Farmer at Sunrise Walking through His Fields

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for your promises of abundance, prosperity, and joy. Please be with us during trials. Restore and strengthen our faith as we draw closer to you. Bless us that our focus will remain on you during times of loss and renew our joy as we walk the path you have for us. Amen.


Your Turn: Have you ever been through trials in your life? Did you rely on God and his promises, or did you rely on yourself? Which way worked better?

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