"The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations" Psalm 33:10-11 (NIV).
Have you ever had to get to a specific place, pull up the GPS on your phone, look at the directions and say to yourself; I know a better way to get there, so I am going to take that road? But later, after taking your way to the destination, come to find out, there were some roadblocks, and you should have gone the way the GPS told you. However, since you made that choice, you must see your way through the roadblocks to get where you need to be.

This seemed to be the story of my life. Everything I was for or thought I wanted wasn’t working out. It felt like every road to get where I wanted to be was blocked for one ridiculous reason after another.
As Christians, we’re told to persevere and that those roadblocks are just trials and tribulations we must get through before we get to where we need to be.
Psalm 33:10-11 tells us that God deliberately blocks all our plans if they do not align with His purpose for us. Isaiah 30:1 tells us that God will obstruct plans made when consulting man instead of him.
Lately, it seems like I’m heading down a smooth path, but this wasn’t the case for me a year ago. This wasn’t the case even a few months ago. Learning to trust the directions that God has put before me and not trying to go off my inclination has put me in a peaceful place. I am now walking in my purpose.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I thank you for a teachable heart. I thank you for the path you have chosen for me. Please continue to be my guide through these travels of my life. In Jesus' name, AMEN!
Your turn: Do you have a story to share about being lost in life and finding your way? If so, please share!