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Evelyn Collins

Our Goal

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14 NIV).

My daughter and family load into the SUV to take my grandson to his Lacrosse game. Arriving at the field, we find a place to sit and watch the game. This sport is fast-paced like football and soccer. However, my knowledge is limited; I know players carry and pass a ball towards the goal with a stick. The stick has a net to scoop and throw the ball. The sport requires participants to move quickly to avoid opponents, plus they need great endurance.

Clad in heavy pads to protect him, he slips the helmet on and runs on the field towards his teammates. The game begins. My eyes struggle to follow the little guy’s body sprint towards the goal. Feet pounding, he passes others as he darts past players.

Someone thrusts a Lacrosse stick in front of Eli and hitting him across the chest. In horror, I watch the strike, abrupt stop, then crash to the ground.

I jump to my feet and step to run across the field, but my daughter grabs hold of my arm.

She cautions me, “Mom, let the coach handle it. Only the coaches are allowed on the field.”

I sit back down. My eyes are on my youngest grandson’s body on the green turf. Immovable. The crowd is solemn and quiet. I wring my hands while waiting for news. The loud drumbeat of my heart vibrates throughout my body. Thoughts are screaming in my mind.

Is he okay? What’s wrong? Get him help.

The coaches reach down and lift him. They walk him across and off the field, and he sits on the sideline.

I praise God that he only had the wind knocked out of him. After watching the game for a while, the coach motions for Eli to get on the field. He rejoins the team’s fight to win.

The Christian Life reminds me of this sport because it not only requires strength, but it requires spiritual agility to dodge Satan’s darts as well. We must remain aware of and resist evil schemes. Otherwise, a sudden and unexpected maneuver will knock us down. We are stunned and unable to move or respond.

The Holy Spirit is our coach; he lifts and carries us to safety. Then, after we rest and renew our strength, he calls us to engage in the fight. He guides our steps so we can continue to advance for his kingdom. We shouldn’t allow fearful thoughts or pain to stop us. Rejoin the fight and continue to fight until the game ends.


Dear Lord, I praise your holy name and give you thanks for all the blessings in my life. Sometimes things happen in life that surprise me and causes me to be weak and defeated. Then I need to rest and regain my strength. During those times, I am often not aware of the devil’s schemes. I am thankful for the many scriptures about alertness and find strength in The Word. Please bring them to my remembrance when life is rough that your power is available to me. May a whole and personal relationship are my main goal throughout the journey. Thank you for your loving and sustaining presence within me.

Your turn, how do you avoid being weak and defeated?

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