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No Good, Terrible World

“Crazy”, is the word that comes to mind when I recently decided to watch the news as I wanted to be current on a few issues. I thought to myself, “God the world seems so out of control. It’s no good and it’s terrible! There’s Ebola, ISIS, ISIL, earthquakes, hurricanes, serial killers, pedophiles, wars everywhere, racism, hatred, and the list goes on. Sometimes I wonder where you are and why you allow certain things to happen, especially to the innocent and defenseless. Often I wish you’d come back again for your people right now! Yet, even this scares me because I know I could always be living a better life for your glory and I don’t want anyone to left behind that needs to hear the gospel. No matter the earthly circumstances when you return I want, my life used to bring others and glory to you. I need your word and my prayers to groom my faith and heart daily.”


Lord I cry out to you with all of my heart. I ask you to search me and root out anything evil in my heart and mind. Please groom me so my daily life is focused, acceptable, and pleasing to you.


So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.

(2nd Corinthians 5:9 NIV)

Do you believe God could come for his church during your lifetime? Are you ready? What are some things you’d like to accomplish before God calls us home?

Please share your comments, I’d love to hear from you!

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