Problems, problems, and more problems
Worry upon worry
Activity after activity
Sleep doesn’t come
My drugs of choice: books and television
I’m in a mood and numb
Anxiety and depression hold me captive
Who can help when I'm at my wit's end?
Worried and distressed, I sit with myself—
By myself and look within,
Tears spill from my eyes.
“Jesus,” I shout!
These are things that happen when I forget to whom I belong. I forget at least once every two months that I belong to Jesus. He is mine and I am His. How can I forget that I am His?
Like Martha in Luke 10:40, I become consumed with daily living. I allow daily chores, family struggles, and financial challenges to blur my vision. When I am at my wit’s end, I sit quietly and cry out to Jesus.
He, like a faithful friend, is quick to answer. He first expresses His unconditional love. When He rebukes me, I repent for not coming to Him sooner. I quiet my soul. I rest and listen for direction.
I’m filled with peace and soothed in His presence. My vision clears. I focus on the little things like the boom of the waves crashing into the ocean, the squawk of seagulls, the smell of yellow honeysuckle growing wild nearby, and a good laugh with a friend.
I’m thankful for my Savior. The problems have not gone, but my perspective has changed. I set my eyes and ears on Jesus and expect Him to answer. Like Mary, I sit at Jesus’ feet and listen.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, rescue me when I am at our wit’s end. Give me peace to become like Mary and sit at your feet to hear what you will say to me.
Your turn: When have you been at your wit’s end? Have you taken a moment to invite Jesus into your situation?