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Interrupters of my Churchy Feelings

Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes

Are you like me who feels so wonderful and churchy after coming out of Sunday worship? Usually, I feel refreshed, renewed, and ready to be a mega-Christian (whatever that means)!

However, I can barely make it to the car before one of my kids starts back talking or I realize someone smuggled and spilled a bowl of cereal then left it to ferment in the seat. Through clenched teeth, I will often then turn on one of my spirit filled radio stations only to just as often not get a signal. “Not a problem,” I usually say to myself when this happens and then I push play on my mp3 to catch a sermon of one of my favorite preachers. Just as I’m turning the corner out of the church parking lot, someone will inevitably cut me off.

By the time I get to my house, my churchy feeling is often ebbing low. After that it doesn’t take much for the refreshed me to sulk and be short with others when greeted by a sink of dishes, complaints, dinner demands, homework projects due Monday and that beast called laundry.

By Monday, my churchy-ness is truly lacking and I wonder why I feel like I losing my renewed mind. It’s these times that God nudges me and reminds me to be kind. He reminds me that this life will have difficulties but my life as a Christian should reflect His kindness to me.

Therefore, despite the circumstances, despite all those interrupters of my churchy feelings, God’s kindness should be extended to others through me.


Lord Jesus, I thank you for your life you sacrificed that I may have life and have it more abundantly. I am grateful Father for your kindness to me each day. Without you in my life, I would be so empty. Help me to keep focused on loving others through your eyes and not through how I feel or what I happen to be experiencing at the time. Please show me how to be a blessing to others and to glorify you through the good and bad times. Amen.


I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to all of you. (2 Thessalonians 3:18 CEV)

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