Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you: he will never let the righteous be shaken (Psalm 55:22 NIV).
I can only imagine the emotions that were racing through Griselda’s mind as massive amounts of rain were rushing from the cloudy sky. It was the rainy season in Guatemala and she was doing everything to get by and keep her family safe. I am confident that during the past rainy season her plan was not to lose her entire home and everything she worked for. As a single mother, she had to take care of her two children and family members who all lived in a concrete block home with a sheet metal roof. That day, though as the rain flooded the earth, her entire home was wiped away in a mudslide and everything she worked for vanished. Griselda was left with her two young children, Kevin, who is eight and Cesia who is ten.
I encountered this beautiful family for the first time when visiting Guatemala this past December. They have made an everlasting impact on my life. I remember hearing their story for the first time and thinking to myself this family has immense joy and love with so little and much loss.
I love how God uses little moments in life to advance His love and the relationships around us.
I will never forget the moment in Guatemala sitting with Kevin and Cesía coloring in submersion14’s coloring books with the crayons. The little giggles that would come about and the look of focus in their eyes as they would pull the crayon across the page. The look in Kevin’s eyes as they glowed when he learned to count to ten in English for the first time as we passed the Hacky sack back and forth is a moment I will cherish forever. It was at this moment I was praying, praying for a way to help this family, praying for a way to show them the authentic love of Jesus. It was a prayer of desperation to reveal a way to put a roof over their head and provide a job for Griselda so she can continue to build a strong and beautiful family for generations to come. This prayer only grew stronger. The next morning, we drove Griselda and the kids back to their “home." This was the moment that wrecked me. The moment when I realized that poverty is more than a word. We journeyed down a winding dirt road, stones crackled under the tires as we approached an abandoned hospital, and sure enough, this was the place they called home. Windows busted out, they lived in the tiny vacant hospital rooms, with around 40 other family members and children. I opened the car door with little Kevin asleep in my arms and I looked down at his precious face and in that moment I knew something had to be done. I couldn’t live with myself knowing this beautiful, perfect child would be sleeping with bugs, and sharing a twin sized bed with his mom and sister.
God NEVER Fails.
I can officially say submersion14, Inc. brought Griselda onto our team to make hockey sacks for the backpacks and we RAISED ENOUGH MONEY FOR HER BEAUTIFUL HOME!!! A Dios Sea la Gloria- To God be the Glory
Dear God, show me how to see the needs of others as just as important as mine. Father, please guide me to be generous with my resources and love for others. Amen.
Your Turn: Is there someone or something you know God is leading you to help? What steps can you take to be obedient?
Check out what Submersion14 is up to including the upcoming 5K (in Jacksonville, FL or virtually) on 10.17.21 and other exciting events: