The Bible tells us in Habakkuk 2:2 to “Write the vision and make it plain, so that he that reads it may run” (KJV).
When I first came to faith in Jesus Christ, my pastor preached this verse repeatedly. Pastor Mike dissected the scripture enough times that, as a new believer, I understood the vision for our church. Each Sunday, he would preach and teach what he saw our ministry doing in the community. He wanted a school, a daycare, and multiple churches throughout the United States. Pastor Mike envisioned a farm where others could rest and be restored to go back into ministry. He had site plans mounted on the wall of the sanctuary.

The members took copious notes on how the church would operate. Some even saw where they would fit based on their gifts, skills, and talents. Pastor Mike created word pictures and inspired us to believe that we could take the world for Jesus Christ with God's backing. As a more mature believer, I understand what Pastor Mike was trying to accomplish with all those word pictures. The first noun in Habakkuk 2:2 is “vision.” To write the vision, you must have a vision.
But what is a vision?
According to Google dictionary, a vision is “the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.” Sometimes it is called creativity or inventiveness or innovation.
I would define vision as the ability to see with one’s mind’s eye a version of what you desire for the future.
Where does the vision come from?
Time spent in God’s word and listening for Him to speak during our prayer time and throughout our day.
We need to be willing to ask God for the vision and then ready to submit to God’s will.
Why do we need a vision?
Proverbs 29:18 explains to us that without a vision, we will perish!
When do you write the vision?
Daily we should ask Jesus for guidance and vision for our day and lives.
We should keep journals close by and record the ideas God inspires us to dream about whenever they come.
How do you write the vision?
With descriptive words which create pictures in our minds.
Create vision boards with pictures to help us see our lives in the future.
How do you accomplish the vision?
Step by step with a plan possessing measurable goals.
We also rehearse the vision to ourselves.
We should see ourselves accomplishing our vision. (Romans 10:14 And how can they believe if they have never heard NLT).
With whom do you build the vision?
In the safety of wise counsel. We can’t make the mistake of trusting our vision with everyone. It’s wise to connect with wise, positive, proactive people who will stand believing with us for God’s provision. (Proverbs 11:14- Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety)
Although I relocated before I witnessed Pastor Mike accomplish his overall vision, many of the church members used what he taught us to find God’s vision for their lives. We ran with it! Godly inspiration pushed us to new heights to do things like, earn degrees, start businesses, raise families, build churches, and win others to Christ.
Dear Lord, please bless me and those you’ve placed in my life to be led by God-inspired visions. May we use our gifts, goals, and gain to know You and make You known. Amen.
Your turn: What vision has God given you? Will you make it plain, so that others can run with your vision? I'd love to hear from you.
What a timely article. I'm late to 2022 and just starting my new digital planner and this topic of vision setting is my first task once I restore my devices and save things safely in the cloud. Thanks! Patricia Tiffany Morris.