“Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.” — Luke 6:21
We are God’s creation with an instinctive thirst and hunger for food and water both physically and spiritually. In a literal sense, the appetite we’re all born with begins limited where we can only ingest milk and we are completely dependent on others to feed us. As we develop and grow, we crave solid foods, our diet expands, and soon our dependency on others lessens until we are self-sufficient. Comparatively, as we grow from infants in our Christian walk to adults, our appetite matures, as does the way we are spiritually nourished.
There are storms on the way to the table where we feed and feed others. These storms are both literal and figurative in that as we develop spiritually we will battle troubles, roadblocks, hurricanes in life. Just as in the natural, a storm arises and we must change direction and or deviate from our original route to avoid harm. We are often surprised after the brutal force of a storm whether literal or figurative to find the path we took, the route we traveled brings us to where we were supposed to be. In other words, the storm moves us from our comfort zones to our destiny, from our self-construed maps to God’s GPS.
While we’re on the sidelines, stuck in traffic, or lost God reveals himself to us. Many times God reveals his glory to us before speaking to us. However, he has to get us off tract in order to have our full attention. This was the case for Moses who ended up in the desert off the path to becoming Pharaoh because of his murderous behavior. God revealed his glory in the burning bush getting Moses’ full attention. No ministry is greater than worshiping, God. God reveals himself in order to have us feast on the manna of the word. God takes everybody to the wilderness to demand our worship! It was then he was able to speak to Moses to tell him that he was there to redeem him and his people despite their sin. In the fire and storms of life, God is right there with us. Be determined to see Jesus! That way no one will ever have to prompt you to worship to show you a great God!
All who feared the Lord spoke to one another. And the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the Lord And who meditate on His name. —Malachi 3:16 NKJV
But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26 ESV
Your turn, how has God revealed Himself to you even in the midst of tough times?
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