I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my souls knoweth right well (Psalm 139:14 KJV).
After watching a Facebook poetry prompt posted by my friend Traci Currie, I asked myself “Does the COVID-19 pandemic have silver lining? I would venture to say “Yes!” The next question is “How?” During this pandemic with each U.S. state having some sort of stay at home order and phased re-opening, we are forced to our families, ourselves, and our demons.
How do I face my family, myself and my demons? “One day at a time!” my mind shouts. But back to the original question—Does the COVID-19 pandemic have a silver lining? Of course, it does! I look in the mirror and say “Thank you, Lord” for my face. I appreciate the clearer skin because my drink of choice is water. I appreciate the slimmer stomach and hips because I am not eating out or indulging in fast food. I appreciate my own cooking and developing new recipes. I look again and appreciate the home that God has given me and the chance to work on home projects. I see the knitting projects that I have been able to complete. I look again and see a woman who is comfortable in the silence of her own home. I see a woman who understands her value. I appreciate this woman. I see a woman who enjoys the simple things in life.
She recognizes that during this global shutdown, she must give grace to her family. She speaks words of encouragement instead of criticism. She loves instead of chastising. She sees that they too are dealing with their own demons. She must give grace to herself. This time at home is her time to slay her demons. This is her time to be creative. She recognizes that she is fearfully and wonderfully made.
Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me how You see me. Let me appreciate the gifts that I bring to every table, into every room, and share with every person. Help me to use these gifts for Your glory. Amen.
Vonyee K. Carrington
Vonyee lives in coastal Northeast Florida. She came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as a senior in college. She is a woman who loves to help others find and follow their life’s purpose. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, knitting, and writing.